Higher Education Chancellor Presents Plan to Meet Workforce Needs During Tour at OU Health Sciences

Increasing degree completion to strengthen Oklahoma’s workforce pipeline in education, health care and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields continues to be the state system of higher...

OU College of Medicine Professor Earns Prestigious Pancreatology Award

Min Li, Ph.D., a George Lynn Cross Professor of Medicine, Surgery and Cell Biology at the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine and Associate Director for Global Oncology at OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center,...

OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center Receives $10 Million Gift to Support Expansion to Tulsa

OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center has received a $10 million gift from Jim Norton, his late wife Ronda, and their daughters, Christy Trussell and Leslie Croteau, to support its expansion to the University of...

OU College of Nursing Students Selected as Jonas Scholars

Jonas Nursing, a leading supporter of doctoral nursing education in the U.S., and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, announced that Caitlin Dressler and Catherine Harris, B.S.-Ph.D. students in the Fran...

OU Faculty Member Co-Leading Innovative National Trial to Advance Lung Cancer Treatment

Raid Aljumaily, M.D., an associate professor of hematology-oncology at the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine, is the national co-leader of the PROSPECT-Lung clinical trial that will evaluate the timing of...