OU Unveils Bold Expansion Plan to Increase Medical School Enrollment, Meet State Health Care Needs

The University of Oklahoma Board of Regents approved an ambitious plan in Tulsa today to incrementally increase enrollment in the Doctor of Medicine (MD) program in the OU College of Medicine at OU Health Sciences by...

Mannel Re-Elected Group Chair of NRG Oncology

Robert Mannel, M.D., director of OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center and a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine, has been re-elected as one of three group chairs of...

Delay of More Than 42 Days for Breast Cancer Surgery Raises Death Risk for Certain Subtypes, OU Study Finds

Patients with certain subtypes of breast cancer may face a higher risk of death from the cancer if they wait more than 42 days after diagnosis to have surgery, according to newly published research from the...

OU Department of Dermatology Named After Former Chair

With posthumous recognition and appreciation for his tremendous contribution, the University of Oklahoma Department of Dermatology will now be known as the Mark Allen Everett Department of Dermatology.

Mother’s High-Fat Diet Can Cause Liver Stress in Fetus, Study Shows

When mothers eat a diet high in fat and sugars, their unborn babies can develop liver stress that continues into early life. A new study published in the journal Liver International sheds light on changes to the...