OU College of Medicine Researcher Publishes Major Study on E-cigarette Use and Chemotherapy Resistance

OU College of Medicine researcher published groundbreaking study suggesting electronic cigarette use while undergoing chemotherapy for cancer will likely result in much less benefit from the treatment.

Two OU Health Physicians Clinics Earn Age-Friendly Certification

Two OU Health Physicians clinics in Oklahoma City have earned Level 1 certification as an Age-Friendly Health System, an ongoing initiative designed to improve the care of older adults.

Oklahoma Children's Hospital OU Health Joins Consortium for Neonatal Intensive Care

Oklahoma Children's Hospital OU Health has joined The Children's Hospitals Neonatal Consortium (CHNC), a collaborative of North America's leading children's hospitals.

HPRC Researcher Offers Monetary Incentives to Oklahomans for Quitting Smoking

TSET Health Promotion Research Center researcher looking at longer-term effectiveness of incentive-based smoking cessation for socioeconomically disadvantaged smokers.

Grand Opening Celebrates Presti Gift to Oklahoma Children's Hospital OU Health

Two procedure rooms have been renovated thanks to the family's gift, elevating services provided at the Jimmy Everest Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders in Children and the Bone Marrow Transplant...