Distinguished Diabetes Researcher Named 2021 Hamm Prize Laureate

Andrew T. Hattersley, DBE, FMedSci, FRS, recipient of 2021 Harold Hamm International Prize for Biomedical Research in Diabetes.

TSET HPRC Researcher Receives Federal Grant to Help Low-Income Oklahomans Quit Smoking

Darla Kendzor, Ph.D., awarded 5-year, $3.1 million grant from the National Cancer Institute to evaluate effectiveness of automated, smartphone-based approach to incentivizing smoking cessation.

OU College of Medicine Research Sheds New Light on Pancreatic Cancer Metastasis

A team of researchers at the OU College of Medicine has published a new study shedding new light on the ability of pancreatic cancer cells to spread throughout the body.

OU Health Adult and Pediatric Epilepsy Programs Gain Reaccreditation

OU Health Epilepsy Center and its programs for advanced-level care of adults and children with epilepsy have again achieved Level 4 accreditation from the National Association of Epilepsy Centers.

Translational Cancer Communication Researcher Joins the TSET Health Promotion Research Center

Researcher Jordan Neil, PhD, focuses on translational cancer communication science, using communication-centered strategies to translate evidence-based cancer prevention behaviors into...