Topic: "Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Testing: Pearls and Pitfalls"
Speakers: Danny G. Samkutty, MD
Speaker Disclosures: Statements, opinions and results of studies contained in the program are those of the presenters and authors and do not reflect the policy or position of the Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma (“OU”) nor does OU provide any warranty as to their accuracy or reliability.
Professional Practice Gap: CSF testing is used frequently by neurologists; however, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the differential diagnosis, diagnostic yield and methodology of commonly ordered CSF tests. Additionally, there is a lack of awareness regarding laboratory requirements for specimens that can lead to potentially avoidable re-testing. Increasing awareness of all these factors can lead to more streamlined and effective use of CSF testing.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this session, participants will improve their competence and performance by being able to:
1. Describe the differential diagnosis and diagnostic yield of commonly ordered CSF tests.
2. List the less common causes for abnormal results on common CSF tests.
3. Describe the systemic/laboratory-based requirements for CSF testing to streamline ordering and eliminate the need for unnecessary repletion of lumbar puncture.